Alberta: RAIN Home Visits

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Partner: Green Communities Canada and Green Calgary

Location: Calgary

The RAIN Guided Self-Assessment is a third party, professional advice service provided by trained, qualified and certified RAIN Guides. The RAIN Guides have advanced technical knowledge, but are trained as the “ideal homeowner” and come across as a friendly, encouraging peer that engages the homeowner in finding their own problems and best solutions. This technique has been proven to enhance understanding and motivate physical and behavioural changes to a much greater extent than solely education-based and alternately service-based approaches.

The self-assessment is a comprehensive 1 ½ – 2 hour home visit to help homeowners understand all stormwater issues on their property  and assist them in planning/prioritizing action to eliminate the incidence and impact of runoff and water/moisture reaching the storm sewer and/or infiltrating the home.

The project should engage 100 homeowners at their homes and another thousand homeowners face-to-face via media and community engagement.

Learn more about RAIN Home Visits

Project update (July 2014)

  • 2 people trained to delivery RAIN program and RAIN home visits in Calgary
  • 1 person has completed certification to deliver RAIN home visits in Calgary
  • Approximately 532 people engaged face-to-face with RAIN messaging
  • 47 RAIN home visits completed, reports approved and sent to homeowners